
Because of forty years of flawed agricultural policy and corporate greed, the food industry in the United States has become toxic for both our health and our environment. The USDA gives corporations the same rights as a citizen, yet requires none of the responsibilities or morality of a human. This has allowed the industry to grow into a corporate monster. They are given the power to undermine the competition of small farmers. Food producers strip naturally nutritious food to add “value” to their goods while leaving our bodies starved for nutrients. They advertise to children to exploit their naturally unstable minds while undercutting the authority of cultural epicurean tradition. They cripple the environment by using monocultures and harmful chemicals to grow their food rather than the power of the sun. Overall, the current structure of the food industry underscores our well-being

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sharing Catholic Social Teaching: Food Industry vs. Human Dignity

The Catholic Church’s social teaching invigorates the model of a society that arises to the challenges we face in the 21st century and beyond. Based on tradition of papacy teachings, biblical writings, and acknowledging the new culture we now live in while finding a compromise. The food industry has drastically risen more mainstream then ever before in the past hundred years. And like all super powers that rise in a short period of time, there are bound to be out of balance evils within. However, Catholic Social Teachings will find how to sort the just and unjust in the food industry.

Life and Dignity of the Human Person
Every human life is precious no matter how young or old, guilty or innocent. Dignity of people is rooted in the foundation of a moral vision for society that we establish. Human life is often seen by the food industry not as sacred, rather a trash can to dispense the poison they put into the food we eat. Uncaring and unwilling to see life as unique individuals, the food industry benefits off the cruelty they express towards the individuals who buy the food which to them seems affordable yet is loaded with consequences.
Word Press

Call to Family, Community, and Participation
The family we all belong to as human beings must work to promote and protect the good of society as a whole. The family as a whole should only grow, never be undermined. Those in charge of the food industry are a part of this family and should encourage it to grow. The food industry has a literal responsibility to provide the family of human beings a healthy diet regardless of whether or not the food industry makes a profit. They are providing a service to the family of human kind and with they must answer the call even though it may not work out to their favor.

Rights and Responsibilities
Human rights must be protected and responsibilities must be met. Every person has a fundamental right to life and a right of allowing human decency to be expressed and administrated. More often than not, corporations will throw away their responsibilities as massive influences in society and do anything to take away the rights of others in order to advance their own interests. Corporations in the food industry have a responsibility to uphold since their product is used by everyone and the food industry should never take advantage of those who buy their products. Their influence must be for the good, other they become an evil to society.
Daily Galaxy

Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
Soicety is only as strong as its weakest link. Society has a duty to break the barriers that dividethe rich from the poor. Those who are poor never have many options unlike those who are rich. With the few options available to them, they are often taken advantage of by those who are in power. The food industry is no exception. The poor often has to resort to cheap food like fast food in order to feed themselves and their children in between moments.
Ebaums World

The Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers
Workers must be protected in order to let the economy fluctuate. In order a thriving economy to exist, workers must be entitled to certain privledges such as right to unionize and minimum wage. When these privedleges are denied by the corporate hound dogs of the food industry, a worker’s dignity steps back and is lost in the mix. Its important that those in charge should never take advantage of those who work for them. An thriving economy can only happen when workers are happy and making it thrive.
Found SF

We all belong to one family and as humans, an animal species, we must find command it is that as together. Recongizing this beauty, we should all understand that destroying this solidarity will destroy ourselves and the planet with it. Seeing that we are all human beings connected by a common bond, the food industry should never strip away what’s beautiful about our solidarity in order to advance their own intentions.
Rabbit Fur

Care for God’s Creation
We are called to protect the people, planet, and the animals living in it. In order to have the future relish the gifts bestowed upon us, food industries must realize they should never ravage the planet for their own goals. The animals and planets should not die through cruelty and should painless. Pesticides and slaughterhouses often ignore this Catholic Social Teaching and it should be addressed before its too late.
Food, Inc.

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